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Mobile marketing campaigns should be included as part of any company’s wider marketing strategy and industries that can benefit from mobile campaigns include air delivery and freight, automobile, banking and finance, bars, nightclubs and restaurants, education, film, finance, grocery stores, healthcare, hospitality and gaming, museums and galleries, political campaigns, real estate, retail, sporting franchises, telecommunications and transportation, as well as many more. For each of these industries, mobile marketing campaigns can include one or more of the following platforms:

•    QR codes
•    Common Short Codes (CSC)
•    iPhone applications
•    Location-based advertising
•    Location-based services
•    Mobile coupons
•    Mobile games
•    Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
•    Mobile search
•    RSS feeds
•    Social Media
•    SMS Text Messaging (SMS)
•    Twitter
•    Viral marketing
•    Video casting
•    Virtual worlds

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