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SAS® Enterprise Miner is the SAS software Module for Data Mining.  It supports the entire data mining process with a broad set of tools. It allows the customer statistical modeling group, their business managers and their IT department to interface with consultants and create accurate business-driven data mining models in a seamless process, enabling the entire team to collaborate more efficiently.

SAS® Enterprise Miner includes an intuitive user interface that incorporates common design principles established for SAS software and additional navigation tools for moving easily around the workspace. The GUI can be tailored for all analysts’ needs via flexible, interactive property sheets, code editors and display settings.  Enhance accuracy of predictions and easily surface reliable business information. Create better performing models with new innovative algorithms enhance the stability and accuracy of predictions, which can be verified easily by visual model assessment and validation metrics.

Both analytical and business users enjoy a common, easy-to-interpret visual view of the data mining process. Predictive results and assessment statistics from models built with different approaches can be displayed side by side for easy comparison. The created diagrams serve as self-documenting templates that can be updated easily or applied to new problems without starting over from scratch.

SAS® Enterprise Miner™ Desktop is a complete data mining workbench that runs entirely within the confines of a Windows PC. The interactive graphical user interface (GUI) makes it easy to discover patterns and relationships from a comprehensive ensemble of modeling algorithms. The GUI allows novices to get started and “coding” allows expert users to take things to another level.

Why is it important?

Business leaders and researchers from companies of all sizes are turning to predictive analytics to gain an unbeatable advantage in today’s dynamic marketplace. The SAS Enterprise Miner Desktop for Resellers product delivers a competitive set of features necessary for performing data mining.

Data mining uncovers patterns in data using a variety of technologies such as neural networks, rule induction and clustering to discover hidden relationships in data and make predictions that are not readily apparent from basic statistical studies. These patterns play a critical role in decision making because they reveal areas for process improvement. Using data mining, organizations can increase the profitability of their interactions with customers, detect fraud and improve risk management.

SAS® Enterprise Miner Desktop for Resellers is a complete data mining workbench that runs entirely within the confines of a Windows PC. The interactive GUI makes it easy to discover patterns and relationships from a comprehensive ensemble of modeling algorithms. Business leaders and researchers from companies of all sizes are turning to predictive analytics to gain an unbeatable advantage in today’s dynamic marketplace. Quantitative analysts in small- to medium-sized firms, or those who work independently in departments, can now begin to realize benefits that can be reaped from a process-based data mining solution.

Target Audiences

SAS® Enterprise Miner Desktop for Resellers is targeted to individual users who require data mining capabilities in a desktop environment. The desktop version is especially well-suited for prospects who do not have enough users to justify the initial investment in SAS Enterprise Miner (client/server version), and it does not require a distributed collaborative data mining environment. It is also well suited for organizations with one or two data miners who are very cost-sensitive but who also want a top-of-the-line, flexible and scalable product. The product delivers a competitive core set of features necessary for applying data mining to business and research problems within the confines of a personal computing system.

SAS® Enterprise Miner is designed for individuals faced with solving critical business issues or complex research problems.

SAS® Enterprise Miner Desktop for Resellers is uniquely designed for quantitative analysts in small- to medium-sized firms or analysts who work independently in departments

SAS® Enterprise Miner (client/server) vs. SAS Enterprise Miner Desktop

The key difference between SAS® Enterprise Miner (client/server) and SAS® Enterprise Miner Desktop for Resellers is that SAS® Enterprise Miner Desktop for Resellers is designed for the local workstation (Windows PC) environment, which is suitable for single users who do not need to work in a collaborative distributed processing environment. SAS Enterprise Miner (client/server version) supports a wide range of platforms.

Another difference is that SAS® Enterprise Miner Desktop for Resellers allows users to export score code only in SAS, while SAS® Enterprise Miner (client/server) allows users to export score code in SAS, Java, C and PMML. The desktop product does, however, provide all of the commonly used SAS Enterprise Miner client/server capabilities used by our customers for data mining and is built on the same foundation. As a result, it is considered a mature product, and customers that eventually migrate to the client/server version will not require more training.

