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“In the olden days, someone might have a bad customer experience and tell 10 people. But now, with the rise of blogs, Twitter and Facebook, that person might be able to tell 100,000 people per minute. This totally changes the dynamic and approach to customer retention”

Social Media Analytics Ultimate Goal

All Communication within the social media arena should support your company’s business strategy and brand promise by:

•    Decreasing negative mentions in online conversations.
•    Creating excellent online branded content to make it visible and sharable.
•    Establish your company as an active and trustworthy entity in online conversations.
•    Increase the traffic of your commercial Website with the objective to convert traffic to customers.
•    Provide excellent customer service.

QLX Transform

•    Social Media Data is one key element that lets you understand the opportunity to listen to your customers, but you can glean much more useful information by integrating that information with other exploratory and quantitative data.
•    SAS TIS and your social data to make more robust reports and KPIs, based in:
o    Customer, Contract, Account, Services, Plan data;
o    Call detail records (CDR’s) for pre-paid and post-paid customers;
o    Disconnection, Credit, Payment information (current and historical).
•    Connect your Social Media Data with your Customer loyalty program to create a better channel to interact with your customers.
•    Your Marketing data can be connected to your Social Media data to create a true 360-degree view of your customer.
•    By connecting conversations to your products, you can tailor topics to your biggest business issues by interpreting conversation data to address specific decisions across your market strategy, media planning, interactive/Web marketing, public relations and customer care divisions.

QLX Analysis

•    QLX analytical tools have the ability to apply common text analytics methods to gain insight that other vendors often overlook (sarcasm, disambiguation, misspellings, etc.)
•    Includes industry-specific sentiment taxonomy engines for multiple industries (e.g., online retail, hospitality and gaming, multi channel retail, telecommunications, consumer banking, automotive, insurance, public policy, commercial pharmaceuticals and entertainment)
•    Continuous improvement of tone identification accuracy by deploying both a statistically derived and business rules-driven sentiment scheme.
•    The ability to merge positive or negative tone from surveys, call center notes, and social media to understanding customer reaction to products or services.
•    The level of activity and online presence of your customers (A simple online comment can explain why someone left as well as calculate how much this can impact your company’s online presence).

Marketing Department is now able to get

•    Social Key Metrics Measures – Gain insight about what’s trending and consumer sentiment (positive, negative or neutral), based on the amount of activity. Compare this information against competitors.
•    Customizable Dashboard – Easily configure the dashboard to meet your specific needs and interests, including a variety of user-friendly graphs.
•    Relevant Social Accounts – Set up accounts in new and fast growing social portals. Determine which are the best tools to manage and market those new accounts.
•    Quick Social Information – Monitor changes in social media channels, so your company can make smart adjustments for new developments.
•    New Channels – Deliver promotional content and campaigns through the various social channels.

Real-Time Social Media Monitoring

•    Engage with Key Influencers – Identify the key people driving the important conversations, and then observe and engage them.
•    Be Real Time Proactive – Drill-down from social listening and trends to actual posts, conversations, and comments so you can identify what’s important, engage quickly and efficiently, and be active in brand conversations that matter.
•    Superior Customer Service – Designed to scale for high-volume social interactions, the agent interface pulls together everything you need to manage customer conversations in real time.
•    Geography and demographics – Learn where the conversations are happening by country, state or city; as well as by gender and profession.


